Saturday, October 6, 2012

Exploring the city of Xi'an

For our final day in Xi'an we just took it easy and wanted to explore the city. Hannah stayed in the hotel to work on her art for a client while the guys and I were in search of a really big park. We probably walked about 6 miles to get there but we finally found it. 

Along the way we made some stops at other unique places including the famous Chinese exercising parks. They're everywhere but this was the largest one we've seen. We had a lot of fun trying out all the equipment. Once we finally made it to the large park it was a lot bigger then I thought. It had lots of temples, pagodas, a theme park, carnival games, huge lake with paddle boats, and what looked like a zoo. Wayne said it was built on an the grounds of an emperors palace. After the long walk there we really weren't all that interested in walking around the huge park but we did want to go see the pagoda which was really beautiful. We had a good time and afterward we went to Wal-Mart to get snacks for our long bus ride home.

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time to fill you in on all the details from yesterday because we are trying to get ready to leave this afternoon and I need to help get all of our things together. Suffice it to say that Xi'an is probably one of the most exciting cities in China and we all had a really great time here. Enjoy the pictures!





  1. Man, all of this totally makes me miss China! We had a great time when we were there. Keep the pictures and stories coming!

  2. Oh, wow! It looks like you had an amazing time! I would love to hear about yesterday, hope you get a chance to post more.

  3. Wow so many cool statues and architecture! Also go to love the kid with the patriotic cap and toy gun! Makes me want to travel to China even more!

  4. China is a really amazing place! The pictures are only one small glimpse into all that it has to offer. We're so glad you are enjoying the blog!


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